
Justin Randall Timberlake:

Birthday: January 31, 1981
Birthplace: Tennessee
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Favorite Food: Pasta and Cereal
Hobbies: Basketball and Swimming
Idol: Michael Jordan
Underwear: Tommy Hilfiger
Favorite Holiday: Christmas

 Christopher Alan Kirkpatrick:

Birthday: October 17, 1971
Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Favorite Food: Tacos and Pizza
Hobbies: Skating, Basketball, Hockey
Underwear: Calvin Klein
Favorite Holiday: Halloween

Joseph Anthony Fatone

Birthday: January 28, 1977
Birthplace: New York
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Favorite Food:
Hobbies: Dancing, Movies, singing, and flirting
Underwear: Fruit of the Loom
Favorite Holiday: Christmas

James Lance Bass:

Birthday: May 4, 1979
Birthplace: Mississippi
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Favorite Food: French Toast
Underwear: Tasmanian Devil Boxers
Favorite Holiday: Christmas

Joshua Scott Chasez:

Birthday: August 8, 1976
Birthplace: Washington D.C.
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Favorite Food: Chinese
Underwear: Tommy Hilfiger
Favorite Holiday: Christmas